Traveling Families – Have Brothers, Will Travel Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:56:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Penang, Malaysia: A Week With Some Fun Traveling Families Sat, 27 Oct 2012 04:29:39 +0000 Read More...


So here is a story of a week with traveling families the week is a foam party going to a beach and to a pool party hope you enjoy.

Today I wake up and get my breakfast. Then I go up to my friends place and play video games. Then after two or three hours we hop in a van and go to a foam party. They spent most of the time filling the foam pool. While they were doing that me and my friends went swimming. The Hard Rock had a regular pool that had three water slides. Two small one big. Finally the foam pool was full and we were aloud in. I won a prize of food in a lucky draw which is when they draw pieces of paper out of a box. Then the foam party was done and we went home. We baby sat a kid named Spencer. he was funny.

The next day we went to a beach it was fun we made dams with Spencer. Then we went to eat lunch with Spencer. Then we drove home with him in the trunk of the car, this is not as bad as it sounds. We took turns riding in the back all week!

In the same day we go to a pool party at a hotel and we meet most of our travailing families: Mrs. Bender, Mr. Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Hickcox and a Canadian family and the Palmers who were all nice. When we got to the pool there was a big water slide and we all went on it. My friend Oliver and I made a club together. We welcomed one other kid to our club and he was also nice and we all had fun.

Another day I woke up and ate breakfast and then we went to a slide park. There were only three slides one had a straight down drop one was wavy one was also wavy but you had to go in bags on it. It was all in one indoor playground. We had races down some slides and it was fun.

The next day we went home and the Canadian family went with us.
